Thursday, January 8, 2009

Just What the Doctor Ordered

Page had another doctor's appointment this past Monday. Everything still appears to be normal. So we give abundant praise for God's grace in our lives. The doctor did bring up the possibility of a c-section. Given Page's small frame she (the doctor) wanted to let us know there is a chance for a c-section.

We ask you to pray for:

1-Praise God for His goodness to us.
2-Sayde to not be breached when we go back in a couple of weeks.
3-The Lord to prepare our hearts for whatever type of delivery happens - we will leave the type in His hands.

Thank you for your prayer and sharing this journey with us.

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1 comment:

carmen said...

I know other mommies that are tiny framed so I know it will be okay!!! They just have to say that. The time has flown by. The room looks so cute and you look so amazing for only having 47 days left!!!!