The big news this week is lung development—Sayde’s respiratory system is almost completely mature.
Sayde can now detect light and tell the difference between night and day. Her pupils will constrict and dilate in response to light.
The bones in Sayde’s skull are soft and are not yet fused together. This pliability allows the bones to overlap; making that trip down the tight birth canal possible.
Sayde will continue to pack on the pounds gaining around ½ pound a week from here on out. Sayde weighs about 4½ pounds and is approximately 17.5 inches long.
how cool photos with all the grandparents! love all the knit stuff cindy made. way to go grandma!! as usual page looks amazing. i like how you update about the baby but what about mommy? let's hear about the swelling and pains and movements and craziness of being pregnant. do you love it or hate it? great blog guys and i am anxious to see photos of this beautiful baby girl.
Page~ you look absolutely stunning!! You are seriously glowing from head to toe! You are beautiful my friend! If Sayde loooks anything like here mama you're going to have to lock her up ;)
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